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Watch 20year Cassini Mission End As

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2025-03-25 26:06 23 Youtube

Watch 20-year Cassini mission end as Nasa probe plunges into Saturn

The Cassini space probe plunged into Saturn's atmosphere on 15 September, bringing an end to the 20-year mission that gathered vital data on Saturn....

2017-09-15 01:20 28 Dailymotion

End of space mission for Cassini

The Cassini space mission to Saturn has reached its dramatic finale, as today (September 15) it plunges into the atmosphere of Saturn and is destroyed.The space...

2017-09-14 01:32 13 Dailymotion

NASA's Cassini spacecraft ends 13-year mission

NASA's Cassini spacecraft is done with it's mission after sending its final signal Friday morning. The spacecraft completed a "death dive," striking Saturn. Cas...

2017-09-15 00:35 29 Dailymotion

Cassini ends 20-year mission by plunging into Saturn

The Cassini spacecraft is one week from destruction as it begins its final approaching into Saturn's atmosphere. Report by Pagead. Like us on Facebook at http:/...

2017-09-09 01:34 17 Dailymotion

La mission Cassini-Huygens

La mission Cassini-Huygens a été développée par la NASA, I'ESA et I'ASISéquences extraites des films :"Ring World 2" courtesy NASA/JPL, 2008"Saturn Moon Ba...

2012-12-20 06:39 6 Dailymotion